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Soulmate, Twinflame, & Karmic Relationships

ancient enigma

Updated: Apr 21, 2024

We have all heard the term soulmate, yet twin flame seems less known. Twin flame connections are equally, if not more so, meaningful than a soulmate connection, and as for Karmic relationships, well, I wish that one didn't exist.

We have all likely experienced a soulmate connection throughout our lives (us older ones reading this), but what is a soulmate connection? What is the difference between a soulmate, a twin flame, and a karmic relationship? Surprisingly, quite a lot.


Soulmate definition - A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

We are unique; we have been created that way for a reason. As my lovely mum would say, 'If we were all the same, the world would be a boring place,' and she sure was correct. So bear in mind everyone's experiences may differ ever so slightly.

A soulmate connection will almost definitely include an instant familiarity with one another. Not many people know a soulmate doesn't have to be a romantic partner. You know, those people we seem to bond with instantly at school, work, in our street, on a night out, and now online. The particular family member we unexpectedly connect with, the friends of friends, or Joe from our local, well, they can become a soulmate too. Some of them we may meet briefly, but there is no denying the spark, that energy, the same power radiating from two souls allowing a connection to begin.

When we get to know each other better, our hobbies or interests may differ, yet we're both on the same page, singing from the same hymn sheet. Our outlook on life is similar or the same. On paper, the connection shouldn't work, yet it does. We become best friends, feeling more comfortable with them than anyone else we have ever met. Our communication is clear, and our intuition is spot on. Surprisingly, enjoying each other's company yet don't need to be in each other's pockets.

Empathetic towards each other, knowing or sensing if the other is troubled by something. The person who knows us inside and out. The person who makes us feel calm and happy and who brings out the very best in us.

A soulmate's purpose is to bring spiritual awareness not just to their journey and life's experiences but also to ours, enabling both to transcend to a higher state of consciousness. Many pairings in films and books shouldn't work yet, such as Cece and Hillary from Beaches, Belle and the Beast, or Johnny and Baby from Dirty Dancing (can you tell I'm old school). They are all on completely different paths, yet when their paths cross, they click, supporting each other through thick and thin, encouraging each other's growth.

We may hear people say their soulmate makes them feel complete. I don't think a soulmate enters our life to complete us. I believe we can create this ourselves. Our soulmates will enter our lives for a reason, not just so we can make some incredible memories, but most importantly, they will come into our lives to awaken our souls and to be there to share our life experiences, both the highs and the lows.

A beautiful spiritual connection, when found, should be treasured.

Twin Flames

As for twin flames, they enter our lives at the most unexpected time. They appear just as we're breezing through life, minding our business.

Whereas soulmates are two separate souls, twin flames are believed to be one soul split into two bodies. Our experience and journey with a twin flame will be genuinely unique, unexplained, and bloody confusing, mirroring each other throughout our life here on Earth. Sadly, most of those life experiences will likely be complex or challenging, ensuring the valuable lessons we both came here to learn are accomplished in the hope of positive spiritual growth together. Twins can reincarnate together or separately; however, it may depend on the specific lessons involved. One twin may reincarnate, while the other remains behind on the soul's plane to assist from there. If both reincarnate, they will experience life's journeys together.

A twin flames connection is slightly more interesting than a soulmate connection. When we meet, we will instantly feel a connection. We will feel completely loved up and on cloud nine. They may be the complete opposite of our usual type; we may be like chalk and cheese; however, we will feel like we have known this person our whole life. We will feel safe and content around this person, most likely the yin to their yang, the calm to their storm, or the night to their day, complementing each other in ways nobody else can.

Interestingly, before meeting or reuniting with our twin, we may start noticing the twin-flame code 11:11 a lot, indicating our soul's counterpart will appear in our life very soon. It all sounds highly romantic. However, the twin flame connection can more often than not be tense or emotional; we may have a very on-off, runner-chaser relationship, or more devastatingly, we may happen to meet at the wrong time in life. Even if this happens, our paths will continue to cross many lives, making life seem unfair and questioning why this person came into our life when we cannot be with them. Although utterly heartbreaking, it indicates our spiritual journey together is just beginning. Be prepared; this journey isn't just a couple of stops on a bus or train ride; this could likely go on for years, even decades.

It sounds very unfair, but don't lose hope!

Once twin flames meet each other, there is no going back. Expect to be on one hell of a ride, like a rollercoaster, the adrenaline making our heartbeat a little faster than usual, yet feeling a little sick or lightheaded, with our emotions tossed all over the place.

They come into our lives to touch us in places unbeknown to us, not just erotically but emotionally. Stirring up emotions from before even meeting. Anything bottled away inside us, harming our inner peace, will be brought to the surface by this person (often without them realising) for us to release the pain and free ourselves from the heavy burden we've been carrying around. Circumstances will begin to change; we may become a little frightened of how powerful this connection is and try to run from it. Almost in all twin flame relationships, one person will walk away. We may eventually feel like we have moved on, but we will find soon enough that we can't get that person out of our heads or hearts, no matter how hard we try. Appearing in dreams and even communicating telepathically. The incredible and beautiful bond is simply unbreakable.

I am sweetly reminded of the beautiful love story The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks. No matter how often I watch that movie, I get a lump in my throat trying to stop myself from crying, but the tears still flow. Those of you who have seen it will, I'm sure, know what I am talking about. We all hope to find true love like Noah and Ali's. However, their relationship is the perfect example of a twin-flame connection. Ali is wealthy, and Noah comes across as reasonably poor; you would think their paths would never have crossed, yet they do. Noah knew the moment he saw Ali she was the one and remained adamant he would win Ali over; with fierce determination, he succeeded, but it would be short-lived. Family members and wealth divide their love; they eventually move on and meet new partners, yet that connection never dies. It wasn't easy, and certain sacrifices had to be made to complete their journeys, yet they made them because they knew they were destined for each other.

Twin flame connections are pretty rare. Although there are plenty of lessons learned from them, they should never be confused or put into the same category as a karmic relationship (see below). Our twin is here to connect with us. To make us see the very best in ourselves, love us for who we truly are, help us overcome the negativity we have endured throughout our lives, and live with us as one. We may spend many years separated, but usually, once completing the healing process regarding past wounds, we will finally be reunited. Everything will fall into place. The unbreakable bond having increased tenfold.


Like soulmates and twin flames, we will feel an instant connection when we meet. They will enter our lives to ensure we teach ourselves the valuable lessons of healing our inner souls; sadly, that's where the similarities end.

Sometimes, it is hard to believe we would have agreed to cross paths with this person before ascending here on Earth. Unfortunately, we have usually decided to do this because there are lessons from past lives that remain unresolved,

Karmic relationships can be pretty unpleasant. Although they may start blissfully happy and loving, they can quickly become toxic, creating an unhealthy addiction within the relationship. We may notice emerging behaviour patterns that make us uncomfortable, with excuses being made to downplay specific actions. We may notice their loving comments when first dating replaced by unkind remarks, making our hearts shatter into millions of tiny pieces. Instead of that person mending the damage they have created, they continue, maybe even blaming us for their actions even though we have done nothing wrong. We think about speaking to someone about it, perhaps a best friend? But we notice they have their own troubles and don't want to burden them with ours, or we feel embarrassed about admitting our life doesn't match up to those happy, smiling couples plastered all over social media.

The truth is, I have yet to speak to one person who has been in that perfect relationship we all thought we would be in when we were younger. However, a karmic relationship is not acceptable. Another person should never inflict pain on or towards someone they love.

What we should all remember is we're never alone. No matter what relationship we encounter throughout our lifetime, whether romantic or platonic, each one will come into our lives for a reason. It's down to us and us only to figure out what to do if difficulties arise, but it doesn't mean we can't ask for help. Just because that one friend may have a lot on their plate right now, don't give up; look for others who can offer advice or guidance. Plenty of Earth angels are out there sent to help those in need; all we have to do is gently reach out and accept their help or guidance.

Everyone deserves to experience genuine love and happiness and create beautiful memories, but remember, the most important love is the love from within.

** See note.

Love and Light


**Note: If you or somebody you know may need help or advice regarding a relationship, please call the 24-hour helpline below or click the yellow link to an advice page where you can start a live chat with a professional.

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