A Spirit Guide is an entity that remains as an unbodied spirit to act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated human. Their role is to help us remember who we truly are.
Most people will associate their spirit guide or guides as being a deceased loved one, such as a parent, grandparent, sibling, friend, etc.., and many will find great comfort in knowing this; however, some spirit guides may live as energy in the cosmic realm or as light begins, which are very high-level spirit guides who have lived many former lifetimes, paid their karmic debt, and advanced beyond a need to reincarnate.
Many people do not believe in things like this and may even feel a little frightened at the thought of it, but let me reassure you there is no need to be alarmed, concerned, or frightened of our spirit guides. They are extraordinary. Here to guide, love, protect and get us through those challenging times. They encourage us to access guidance, inspiration, and support throughout our spiritual development.
I have always felt a powerful spiritual guidance around me since I was young; sadly, I haven't always listened to my guides and have often ignored their messages, advice, and help, not through ignorance, but simply a lack of understanding of the signs, messages and obstacles presented to me. It almost went against my religious beliefs to believe we have spirit guides, allowing life to become somewhat confusing at times. Yet, those we are told to pray to and ask for guidance in certain religions are spirits, contradicting specific biblical stories and spiritual leaders today.

When we reincarnate, we forget everything, who we are, and why we're here. We forget that life is an experience. Everything we do is an experience, whether trying new things, bungee jumping from the tallest bridge, or simply taking a walk; we will see, taste, breath, and encounter different feelings each time. The senses humans are gifted are no coincidence; they are the perfect way for our spirit guides to communicate with us.
Spirit guides can communicate in many different ways through our senses, words, images, feelings, songs, symbols, or number sequences. We will encounter millions of symbols throughout our lifetime, some of which we acknowledge and others we don't. Our spirit guides are able to connect via certain memories, too, both happy and sad, in the hope of helping us release any negativity stored away from sadder times.
When we start to acknowledge the signs, take note of what we were thinking of at the time, looking at, or doing. Our guides are trying to get our attention, maybe with a helpful message about something we've needed help with. I have been fortunate enough to encounter many communications between myself and my guides through songs, nature, numbers, and dreams, but the one that gives me goosebumps each time are the rainbows.
Meditation is another beautiful way of allowing our guides to connect with us and us to connect with them. It will enable us to build a bridge between the two realms by raising our consciousness. While meditating, the mind begins to slow down; by doing this, our body becomes relaxed, allowing us to expand our aura and increase our vibrations and spiritual experience.

Many of us connect with our guides whilst we are sleeping, connecting with them on the fifth or sixth dimensions, bearing in mind we are present in the third dimension, which makes this pretty awesome. Some people keep a dream journal, writing down their dreams when they wake to check for patterns or messages they may miss when awake.
Our Spirit guides are simply incredible. They know us better than we know ourselves. A beautiful relationship, an unbreakable bond. They are with us to raise our vibrations, encourage us to be kind to ourselves, and release any negative blockages that may be holding us back from this life or previous lifetimes. So you see, there is nothing to be frightened of; they are the best friend we cannot see. They always have our back, always there for us; all we have to do is reach out and let them guide the way.
Sending Love & Light